Parminder Biant - France, School of the Prophets. July-August 2019 (Part 2).

Click here for Part 1.

21. Review.

22. Error.

23. Delay and Tarrying Time.

24. Church and State.

25. What Will the Sunday Law Look Like?

26. Who Will Pass the Sunday Law?

27. Liberals and Conservatives.

28. No Buying or Selling.

29. Preparation for the Sunday Law.

30. 2520 (Part 1).

31. The Messenger.

32. 2520 (Part 2).

33. Time and Events.

34. Socialism, Feminism.

35. No More Time.

36. Dictator/Confederation.

37. Equality.

38a. 9/11 (Part 1).

38b. 9/11 (Part 2).

39. 9/11 (Part 3).

40. The Judgements of God on the Cities.

41. Rev. 18:1-3.