Parminder Biant - Portugal, 1st March - May 2020 (Part 2).

Portugal (Part 1).

21. What is Morality (Part 2) (16.03.2020)?

22. The Conscience (17.03.2020).

23. Summary of Matthew 13 (18.03.2020).

24. Our Version of Matthew 13 (19.03.2020).

25. Questions and Answers (20.03.2020).

26. Matthew 24 and 25 (21.03.2020).

27. Are we Jesuits? (22.03.2020).

28. "Time of the End" Magazine (22.03.2020).

29. From Age to Age (23.03.2020).

30. A Conservative Mind (24.03.2020).

31. Spirit of Prophecy at the Cross (24.03.2020).

32. Spirit of Prophecy at the Cross (Part 2) (24.03.2020).

33. Is the Sealing prophetic? (25.03.2020).

34. Why Are The Priests The 144000? (27.03.2020).

35. Why Are The Priests The 144000? (Part 2) (28.03.2020).

36. Why Are The Priests The 144000? (Part 3) (28.03.2020).

37. The Test for the Priests is Moral.

38. Noah and the 144000 (29.03.2020).

39. The Servants Are The Third Angel (30.03.2020).

40. Several Things (31.03.2020).

Portugal (Part 3).