Tess Lambert - Uganda, 6th-26th January 2020.

Tess Lambert. Email: tessglambert@gmail.com

1. Anchored By Lines (06-01-2020).

2. Remember The Symbols (07-01-2020).

3. Naming a Waymark (08-01-2020).

4. A Messenger For Nethnims (09-01-2020).

5. Nature of the Kingdom (10-01-2020).

6. Reform Lines (11-01-2020).

7. Question and Answer (11-01-2020).

8. Religious Movement (12-01-2020).

9. Church and State Separated (13-01-2020).

10. The Counterfeit Line (14-01-2020).

11. The Mother and the Daughters (16-01-2020).

12. Healing of the Deadly Wound (17-01-2020).

13. Resurrection of the Papacy (18-01-2020).

14. Question and Answers (18-01-2020).

15. The Counterfeit Line (Part 2) (19-01-2020).

16. Liberal vs. Conservative Popes (20-01-2020).

17. The Two Popes (22-01-2020).

18. Rise of Modern Rome (22-01-2020).

19. Rise of Modern Rome (Part 2).

20. Fate of the First Angel (24-01-2020).
Annotations: 18. Fate of the First Angel.pdf.

21. Temptations in the Wilderness (25/01/2020).