Tess Lambert - Canada, 10th-12th July 2020.

Tess Lambert. Email: tessglambert@gmail.com

1. Ellen White's Vision of the Path (10-07-2020).

2. Ellen White's Vision of the Path (Part 2) (10-07-2020).

3. Ellen White's Vision of the Path (Part 3) (11-07-2020).

4. Ellen White's Vision of the Path (Part 4) (11-07-2020).

5. The Lines of Revolutions (11-07-2020).

6. The Battle of Raphia (11-07-2020).

7. Revolutions, Good Advice (12-07-2020).

8. Good Advice and Reforms (12-07-2020).

9. Q and A (12-07-2020).