Parminder Biant - Brazil, February 2018.

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1. Rules of Prophetic Interpretation.
00:00 - Introduction. We will be looking at the principles of "Repeat and Enlarge" and "Making Application" of Scripture.
11:30 - Example of making an application of Scripture, re: Acts 3:22a when Peter makes an application of Moses' words.
16:00 - 1 Thess. 5:1-3. Paul realises the Thesselonians have been deceived and forgotten what he had previously taught them.
24:00 - Paul corrects them as they taught Jesus was coming back in their generation, a.k.a. "Final Generation Theology".
28:00 - Summary that Paul taught many will still die before Christ comes and papalism has to take over from paganism.
28:30 - Exegesis of 1 Cor. 15:46 especially how it illustrates line upon line. The Old and New Testament lines are literal, including the Millerite line. Our line is spiritual.
43:00 - "Making Application" means using existing information in a different context than it was originally intended. By what authority are we doing this.
53:30 - The context of 1 Cor. 15 is the resurrection. Paul is talking about your natural (mortal) body and your spiritual (immortal) body.
1:00   - The Saducees (the unpopular elite) used the Pharisees (the popular church leaders) to control the masses. Paul confronts the Saducees' disbelief in angels and resurrection because it permeated those Christian's mindset.
1:05   - Superimposition of the sanctuary model (re: 1 Cor. 15:46, John 16:8) places the mortal body as steps 1 and 2, and the spiritual body as step 3.
1:08   - Adversely Rev. 14:7 places glory at the 2nd step.
1:10   - Paul teaches the Corinthians that Christ will come in the future but they will be resurrected to see the day, with Christ's resurrection as their example.
1:13   - So Paul takes the resurrection of Christ and His mortal and spiritual body and "makes application" to apply it to the Corinthians.
1:14   - In Rom. 6:1-11 Paul uses baptism to "make application" but Rom. 6 is not an original source for baptism. Paul borrowed it from John the Baptist, who borrowed it from the children of Israel crossing the Jordan, who borrowed it from the Red Sea crossing. So Paul makes an application of baptism which cannot be found in the original Old Testament verses in Exodus.
1:18   - Baptism is a symbol of burial, but you must die first. Being buried 'alive' is painful!
1:22   - Paul uses Christ's literal death, burial and resurrection (Rom. 6:4) to illustrate glory, then uses it to 'make application' to character. Before baptism your character is natural and after baptism it is spiritual. When we consider the mortal (natural) or immortal (spiritual) body, glorification at immortality is step 3, but when we consider the character the spiritual is post-baptism which is the glorification of step 2 (re: Rev. 14:7).
1:34   - Summary of how we we 'make application' and how Paul 'made application' and by what authority do we make application and may we borrow from Paul's writings to make such applications?

2. Rules of Prophetic Interpretation (Part 2).

00:00 - Summary of previous episode. We use 1Cor 15:46 differently than Paul intended which we call "making application". Paul was speaking about the literal resurrection of the body whereas we apply it to literal or symbolic events, hence making it a rule which can be applied elsewhere.
09:30 - Paul even makes application of his own verse in 1Cor 15:46 when he writes to the Romans (chap. 6) this time applying the natural and then the spiritual to the inner man and baptism.
13:30 - Discussion on "Then" in Matt. 25:1a which is defining concurrent not sequencial events. Chronological placement of v30-31.
32:30 - The Millerites applied the same verses to themselves which we apply to ourselves. The original context of the verses can only be intended for them or for us so one of us has to be making application.
34:00 - Rom. 6 teaches the character/inner man is spiritual, not natural, post-baptism (Rom. 8:1-8).
41:00 - Rom. 7 and the prerequisites to re-marriage. You are both the symbol of the former husband who has to die, as well as the woman who can now re-marry to Christ. Rom. 6, 7 and 8 must be studied together for context.
51:00 - Paul sometimes uses the word "flesh" to refer to the unconverted character and sometimes the body (the house in which we live as Ellen White calls it).
55:00 - Philosophical discussion into the extent of the newness of the thoughts and the feelings (character/inner man) after baptism compared with before. Comparison between Paul's model (esp. placed upon a line) and our own experience pertaining to sin after baptism.
1:04   - As our personal experience does not match Paul's model we develop a different (false) model which teaches our nature changes comes at a future point (namely the second advent) instead of in the past at our baptism.
1:07   - We sin because we want to and chose to. Introduction to the next subject, an exegesis of 1Cor. 15:43.

3. The New Man Has Power.

00:00 - The purpose of the previous episode was just to show how we make application of Bible verses.
00:01 - Matt. 24:36 was a contentious verse for the Millerites because they claimed to know the time of Christ's coming, which was also the case for Christ's time (Dan. 9, John 2:20) and Moses' (Gen. 15, Ex. 12:40-41). Three testimonies seem to contradict v36. The question is posed but not answered, "How do we make application to our line today?"
12:30 - The word "sown" (1Cor 15:43) utilises the model of agriculture. The other themes the Bible uses are marriage and construction. Line upon line pertains to construction (Is. 28:17) and agriculture (v12).
20:30 - Repeat and enlarge applied to 1Cor 15:43. Brief overview of repeat and enlarge and its usefulness in defining the words in the verse. Weakness equates to dishonour.
38:30 - Demonstrating that line upon line is actually the exact same structure as repeat and enlarge.
43:00 - Dealing with the cliche "I'm only human" and the doctrine of the indwelling Spirit of God (Ref: 1John 3:2-9 and Gideon's army's vessels).
1:14   - The true meaning of "forgiveness" is pardon which is also synonymous with justification.

4. The Church Triumphant and the Church Militant.

00:00 - Summary of "making application" so far, and the resistance it has met in this movement.
03:00 - Explanation of "probationary time" which we are now in, and how we are now being tested by these messages.
05:00 - The 2 classes which result from these prophetic, testing messages are demonstrated in step 2 (ref: Rev 14:8, John 16:8).
08:30 - The mental attitude that we as priests have to be ready by midnight is faulty and setting you up for failure as we have to be ready now, before midnight.
11:30 - This is evident in the model of construction, agriculture and marriage.
13:30 - Investigating Matthew 25 and who is the bride. If the bride symbolises us as individuals there should be 2 brides as there are 2 classes, so we are represented individually as the virgins.
15:30 - In Matt. 22 the guests also represent us and there are 2 classes. As guests we are invited but as virgins we are servants (i.e. bridesmaids).
18:30 - Noah's Ark represents the corporate church, the workers represent us as individual people. The 1st temple represents the church corporately, and it was constructed by 2 groups of workers, both good and bad. There is no fault in the ark or the temple, but there is fault with one group of each of the people.
23:00 - The church is the field (singular) and there is no problem with the field.
26:00 - The wheat and the tares represent the 2 classes of people (Matt. 13:24-30).
29:30 - The church and the individuals are not synchronised, or developing at the same pace. They are moving forward, out of sync. By the CoP both are in sync and the perfect ark, temple, field has a righteous people or crop in it i.e the wise virgins.
35:00 - Noah's Ark, the 1st temple, Zerubabel's temple, the bride (Matt. 25) and the field are all symbols of the church triumphant and the end of the world (1 Cor. 10:11).
40:00 - Rev 14:6-7, the 1st AM is given to everyone. In Rev. 7 there are 2 groups; the 144k (v3-8) and the great multitude (v9). The great multitude = every nation, kindred, tongue and people of Rev. 14:6. Israel (144k) are not part of the world/other nations.
45:30 - Num. 23:9, Israel is not counted among the other nations of the world. Every nation, kindred, tongue and people of Rev. 14:6 does not include us. In fact the 1st angel is us.
49:00 - Yet an apparant contradiction is that Parminder is giving the message to the audience who are God's people. So here and now God's people are receiving the 1st AM which we previously said is not given to Israel.
50:00 - Study on where the 1st AM went in both 1798 and in Aug. 1840 (the church, the world or the USA) with ref. to Rev 10 (Aug. 1840).
54:00 - The 1st AM starts with William Miller (a Protestant) who gives it to the Protestants in America and then it goes through Christian missionaries to non-Christians in the world but the text says it is given first to the world.
59:30 - The church triumphant gives a message to the world at the end of the world.
1:01   - An explanation of the dilemma of having 2 groups (wise and foolish) during the construction of the church triumphant. The foundations are laid at 911, and the church complete by COP.
1:09   - We receive power at the 2nd step.
1:14   - The church of Ephesus conquers the world and represents the church triumphant. There were tares in the church of Ephesus. Laodicea is a separate and distinct church to Ephesus.
1:15   - The church triumphant began to be constructed in our time yet it was Ephesus that gave the 1st AM of Rev. 14:6 in the Millerites time.

5. Ye Must Be Born Again.

6. Who Are The Members of the Church Triumphant?
00:00 - The church triumphant has been taught for a long time in this movement but has recently become a dividing issue.
03:00 - A study of the line of Noah illustrating how Noah's Ark (the church triumphant) takes you to the final moments of Earth's history before you are taken to Heaven.
13:00 - Study of CE 76.3.
16:00 - Study of Nicodemus as someone who moves from Laodicea (church militant) to Ephesus (church triumphant) and the dichotemy it creates with CE 76.3 and SW. Sept. 8th 1903.
40:00 - Lessons from Dan. 8:14. i) Judgement at every waymark ii) First the church and then the world.
49:00 - How the story of Noah depicts the members of the church militant and the church triumphant when one correctly 'makes appication' of the symbols.
59:00 - The concept of 'progression' and parallel kingdoms when applied to the church militant and the church triumphant, with the transition from Greece to pagan Rome, and pagan Rome to papal Rome as examples.
1:05   - The children of Israel and Joshua and Caleb, or Jones and Waggoner and the Conference Church are also examples of one group dying off while the other is ascending.
1:06   - Ellen White will often use the concept of the church militant to illustrate the role of the wheat and the tares (LDE 52.2, TM 45.1). Harmonising the different models sister White utilises when depicting the church militant and the church triumphant.

7. Victory Over Sin.

8. Sow To Yourselves In Righteousness.

9. The Early Rain and the Latter Rain.

10. The 144,000 (Part 1).

11. The 144,000 (Part 2).

12. The 144,000 (Part 3).