1. Baptism Vows (Part 1).
05:30 - 5th baptismal vow.
09:00 - 6th baptismal vow.
12:30 - The misconceptions of the 2nd AM esp. relating to Rev. 18:1-3.
16:00 - The 2nd AM in Rev. 14:8 is conceptualised differently in John 16:8 and the 2nd apartment of the holy place.
19:00 - The message of Jones and Waggoner was to place the 3rd AM in its proper setting. Summary of this vow, that the work of sanctification has to occur before the 3rd angel.
21:00 - The everlasting gospel is a prophetic message and not a moral gospel, first given to the church (priests then levites) and then the world.
22:30 - 1st AM goes to the church at the ToE, but Rev. 14:6 says it goes to the world, so a superficial reading of Scripture can give you the wrong answer.
29:00 - Vow 7. By looking at the ancient Jews we know SDAs do not believe the correct nature of the 2nd advent.
33:00 - Vow 8. There is another false doctrine, other than the immortality of the soul and Sunday sacredness, which makes a church Babylon.
39:00 - Vow 9.
40:30 - Sanctification is a state of being, like marriage where you cannot become "more" married, you just have to stay married. It is not getting better day by day.
42:30 - Vow 10.
44:30 - Vow 11. The glorification here mentioned is the bodily glorificaiton we experience at the 2nd advent.
50:00 - Vow 13. Driving home from work should be done during preparation time, not Sabbath time.
56:00 - Vow 14. The SDA church is not Babylon.
2. Baptism Vows (Part 2).
The SDA Church is not Babylon.
00:00 - Explanation of why Laodicea (SDA church) is not Babylon, even if SDAs do not adhere to these vows.
08:30 - In Dan. 9:24 as well as 12:1, there is "an end of sins" because either the people stop sinning or they are divorced from God and therefore dead, and their behaviour/sins are no longer being recorded.
11:00 - Laodicea is a parallel to ancient Israel as they too were a church coming into judgement.
16:00 - SDAs and the Jews in Jesus' time break the Sabbath. Jesus healed on the Sabbath to create contention to make a point.
18:30 - It is incorrect to say if we do not keep these vows we are Babylon. Jews were not Romans and SDAs are not Babylon. A bad Jew is still a Jew, not a Roman.
24:00 - Vow 15.
25:00 - Vow 16 is about tithe and offerings and vow 17 about diet.
29:00 - Vow 18 regards dress reform and vow 19 recreation time.
30:00 - Vow 20 regards our desire for country living.
32:30 - Vow 21. There is a recognition that 911 does not line up with Oct 22 1844 and this needs to be reconciled.
35:00 - Vow 22 deals with the SoP and vow 23 deals with the Lord's Supper.
35:30 - Vow 24 has been problematic in the past.
37:30 - Vow 25 specifies the rules of interpretation being Miller's rules, two witnesses and line upon line.
38:30 - Our misuse of the rule of 2 witnesses and how we use 1 witness thinking it is two.
46:00 - Vow 12, the nature of man and the nature of Christ is an essential part of the 3rd AM, re: 1T 300.
58:00 - The word "counterpart" as found in vow 12 means the other part that makes the first part complete.
59:30 - Vow 12 continued.
1:03 - Encouraging words for those about to get baptised but are concerned for their need of more study.
3. How do the Lines Work (Part 1)?
Typology and Progression in the Lines.
02:00 - Introduction to typology in the lines. Definition of the word "parable" using the example of a marriage.
08:00 - Examples of parables; sheep and shepherds, us and God, Eve and Adam. The correct and incorrect use of typology in literal and spiritual parables.
13:00 - The only way we should be teaching is parable teaching. EGW uses parable teaching but finding it is like searching for hidden treasure.
17:00 - We should read the Bible this way rather then as a devotional text. The 3rd AM can only be understood this way.
18:00 - When there is a type and antitype on the same line we must break the line and place the 2nd line under the 1st.
20:00 - Introduction to the concept of "progression" upon a single line, rather than the false concept of type and antitype. EGW uses progression in her narrative (e.g. Conflict of the Ages).
26:00 - E.g. We have identified types in Acts and antitypes in Revelation so we need to break the line of the N.T. into 1 for Acts and 1 for Rev.
28:00 - Demonstrating the progressive nature of the narrative in AA 47 and contrasting our typological approach due to our usage of different lines/dispensations.
34:00 - Exegesis of AA 54.2-55.2.
Summary of the difference between progression and typology.
40:30 - EGW says the story of the former rain and latter rain is a progressive one, whereas we teach it as a type/antitype.
45:30 - We have noticed that the pattern of the former rain in Christ's time to the latter rain in our time is replicated just in Christ's time. We take the pattern in the macro fractal, notice it replicates the line of Christ, and based on that, we say we can therefore apply that pattern it to the line of the 144,000.
The 2nd AM and the Role of Rev. 18 to Explain Rev. 14.
51:30 - The 2nd AM of Rev. 18 explains the 2nd AM of Rev. 14.
53:30 - Demonstrating the line of the ToE (Millerites to the 144,000) using the 2nd AM.
55:30 - Further elaboration on the misuse of the rule of two witnesses.
1:04 - The 2nd angel demonstrated in the line of the Millerites to the 144,000.
1:05 - There is no typology on this line as it is a singular line, despite it showing the Millerites and the 144,000.
4. How do the Lines Work (Part 2)?
Summary of Correct Methodology and it's Importance.
00:00 - Further elaboration on the correct use of parables and how people have stepped off the platform as a consequence to incorrect methodology.
05:30 - Further elaboration on the correct use of typology, progression and repeat and enlarge.
09:30 - Further elaboration on the correct use of two witnesses using the example of LR and FR.
17:30 - Exegesis of GC 389.2-3.
The Beginning and the Ending of a Waymark.
27:30 - The use of Dan. 8:19 to define "end" in relation to "complete fulfillment".
30:30 - Daniel was interested in identifying the end of the 70 yrs. (the literal captivity) but Gabriel was revealing the end of the 2300 yrs. (the spiritual captivity).
33:00 - 99% of the time, Inspiration points you to the last end, but this movement is designed to discover the first end, hence we are out of sync with the church as they do not search for hidden treasure.
34:30 - EGW on Rev. 14:6 is an example of the 1% of the time Inspiration points you to the beginning/first end. Sister White tells you it is 1798 even though the verse says it is 1840.
40:30 - Word study on "perfect fulfillment" using Inspiration and not the dictionary to show it means "complete fulfillment". If the perfect fulfillment occurs at the end, then using logic we say the beginning is the "imperfect" fulfillment. Then using a dictionary we understand "imperfect" to mean it is still faulty, whereas biblically it just means it is not fully finished/completed/fulfilled.
47:30 - EGW places Rev 14:8 from the Millerite time to ours, but we place it in the Millerite time and we place Rev 18 in our time. So Rev 18 is the 2nd AM (Rev 14:8) but exclusively in our time. Rev 18 is not the 4th angel, it is the repeat and enlarge of the 2nd angel.
49:30 - Exegesis of GC 603.1.
53:00 - The line of the Millerites to the 144,000, the starting and ending point of Rev. 14:8. Rev 18:1,2,4 is placed at its ending point.
55:30 - We call the starting point/beginning of the 2nd angel "the arrival", and the ending point we call "the empowerment". Then when we see there is an arrival and empowerment in the Millerite movement as well, we can break the line and impose the same pattern (2A and 2E) in our line.
1:02 - We cannot correctly place 3E for the Millerites in our line. The Millerites must have had their own 3E.
5. How do the Lines Work (Part 3)?
00:00 - Answering some criticisms, especially one asking what is the point of learning the methodology.
08:30 - The context of GC 391.1.
11:30 - GC 391.1 as an example of the importance of learning and understanding correct methodology.
16:00 - Exegesis of GC 392.2 and the 1st AM, Habakkuk's 2 tables and the Sanctuary.
22:00 - Literal and Symbolic in regard to GC 392.2.
24:30 - Exegesis of Hab. chapter 1 and 2. Hab. 1:1 = 2:2, the burden = the vision.
31:00 - Historical context of Habakkuk.
44:00 - Symbolic application of the story of Habakkuk to our time. KoN is raised up and will destroy God's people.
50:30 - Lev. 26 is the same history as Hab. 1-2, esp. Hab. 1:5-7. Lev 26:28-34 is the conclusion of events. Lev. 26:32 = Hab. 1:6.
54:00 - History of the 2520 overlaid onto Habakkuk shows the "vision" in Hab. 2:2 is the 2520 and not the 2300 as 457BC is still 200-300 years in the future.
57:00 - Prophets (but not priests) have the authority to change the origianl application of a Bible verse and make their own application.
6. How do the Lines Work (Part 4)?
Making Application.
00:00 - Summary of previous episode. Summary of Hab. 1-2.
06:30 - Summary of the literal, ancient 2520 and how the Millerites made application with it by making it a time prophecy.
13:00 - Is. 28. Historical context of Isaiah's ministry is during 4 Judean kings (Is. 1:1) = progressive destruction and as the last kings of Israel = 3 kings (John 2:19) = progressive restoration.
16:00 - 7 thunders (1798-1844) with 3 steps superimposed. 7 Persian kings which are 3 (= restoration). 7 kings of Judah which are 4 (= progressive destruction).
19:00 - Isaiah's ministry is not in a reform line as it was before Mannasseh, but he mnisters under 4 Judean kings, hence his theme is progressive destruction.
23:00 - Isaiah can be placed at 1989 when paralleled with the 7 kings of Israel.
23:30 - Is. 28:1 is prophesying the destruction.
24:30 - Surface overview of Is. 28:2-13.
30:00 - Priests sit in judgement and prophets have visions. The Assyrians speak with stammering lips and another tongue because God's people rejected line upon line, precept upon precept, but we apply this to ourselves and yet we are not Assyrians. Thus we 'make application', thus by our methodology we declare ourselves prophets, as only a prophet can 'make application'.
36:00 - The methodology of overlaying Isaiah onto the line of the 7 last kings of Judah
39:00 - Summary so far - typology, progression and application (e.g. Hab. 2 is the 2520 not the 2300).
41:30 - RH. Aug. 18, 1890, paragraph 3 (written during the 1888 message).
Annotations end here.
7. The Growth of the Plant.
8. How do the Lines Work (Part 5)?
9. How do the Lines Work (Part 6)?
10. How do the Lines Work (Part 7)?
11. How do the Lines Work (Part 8)?
12. Timesetting.
13. The 144000 (Part 1).
14. The 144000 (Part 2).