Parminder Biant - Minnesota. September 2017.

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1. The Beginning and the End (Part 1).
00:00 - General concept of work presented and placed on a line. John 9:4, Rev. 1:8, 11; 21:6; 22:1, Jesus the beginning and the end, re: the beginning and the end of the day. Is. 46:10.
19:00 - Introducing the two principles of repeat and enlarge and the Bible interprets itslef.
22:50 - Exegesis of Is. 46:10 using these two principles.
24:00 - Introducing chiastic structures and applying them to Is. 46:10.
33:00 - Applying the end from the beginning to eschatology.
46:00 - Applying the days of Noe to eschatology. Comparing Noah's 120 years with John 4:35 using day for a year.
53:00 - Applying Noah's flood to eschatology by comparing it to Dan. 9:26.
1:08   - Summary.

2. The Beginning and the End (Part 2).
00:00 - Attitudes towards learning this message. Correct approach to prophecy. Summary of Part 1. Invention of the internet.
16:00 - Recommendation of the KJV
18:00 - Cont. of summary of part 1. The daily as an example of proof texting. Correct teacher/student attitudes.
28:00 - Another look at Is 46:10.
35:30 - Guarding the borders of the Sabbath.
42:00 - Continuation of summary of part 1.
43:50 - Exegesis of Daniel 11:40.
1:05   - Applying the chiastic structure to Daniel 11:40.
1:25   - Concluding thoughts on how to study the Bible.

3. The King of the South.
00:00 - Dan. 11:40 and a summary of the actors and the time of the end.
05:00 - How France and Russia become the king of the south. Brief history of Media Persia to Greece (re: Dan. 11).
17:30 - Dan. 8:9 and a brief history of pagan Rome (re: Dan.11).
22:30 - Identity of the king of the south (ref: GC chap. 15, Rev 11:3-8 and the 2 witnesses).
32:00 - Identity of the dragon, beast and false prophet.
36:00 - Rev 11:7-13 and the two witnesses in atheistic France.
41:00 - France the city of Rev 11:8 and Babylon the city of v13.
49:45 - Rev 16:19.
54:00 - A power from the bottomless pit, a new manifestation of Satanic power.
1:03   - How the king of the south moves from Greece to France to Russia.

4. The Flood at the End of the World.
02:00 - Summary of part 1.
09:40 - Kress Collection 3.4 "drink the waters of the flood" and summary of "the flood" cont. re: Rev 12.
18:00 - Dan. 12:1, evangelism/work ceases.
20:30 - Rev 17:12 1 hour taken from the 12 hour working day places it at the 11th hour.
22:00 - True and false marriage in prophecy at the end; church and state.
33:00 - Application of John 4:35 in eschatology; the world is ready but the church is not.
40:30 - 4 months and the days of Noe.
51:00 - True repentance and the days of Noe.
1:05   - One tenth for the remnant (Is. 6:13).
1:11   - How the leaders and then the laity were dealt with in the time of Christ and application at the end of the world.
1:33   - Jeremiah and the leaders, laity and remnant.
1:34   - The poor in spirit (Matt. 5:3) and the condition of the leaders.
1:45   - Summary.

5a. The House In Which We Live (Part 1a).
00:00 - The construction of a human being. Is your body "you"? " is the house in which we live..." Healthful Living 13.5.
11:00 - RH Jan. 10th, 1882.1, The nature of man is physical, intellectual and moral. AH 127.2 using Pauline language EGW says the lower passions control the body, therefore the "physical" refers to the lower passions.
23:00 - Consideration of corruption and lower passions e.g. lust and it's origin being from God. All things are to varying extents an image of God, but some have become corrupted.
32:00 - Lower passions i.e. the flesh cannot act contrary to the will of God. So desptie holding the throne of the body, the lower powers cannot "make" you sin.
36:00 - Lower powers control emotions, stimulated by our 5 senses. Higher powers control the intellectual and moral nature e.g. reason, memory, intelligence, logic, facts and figures i.e. the mind.
39:00 - The mind represents the higher powers/intellectual nature. The heart/flesh represents the physical nature. The moral nature is represented by "the will" or the ability to make choices.
41:00 - The lower passions urge the will to decide to sin. The mind knows it is wrong, then the will either obeys the higher or lower powers.
43:30 - Discussion on permanently crucifying the flesh. Discussion on how "All animal propensities are to be subjected to the higher powers" particularly focussing on diet.
57:30 - Jesus alone must occupy the throne, or the seat within the body where EGW said the lower passions are seated. Christ takes the seat and removes the corrupt lower powers/heart of stone. The emotions are purified.

5b. The House In Which We Live (Part 1b).
00:00 - Continuation from previous episode. Exegesis of SC 47.1 with pictographic representation of one house where you are a slave to doubt and the other a slave to Jesus.
10:00 - Discussion on "the true force of the will... the governing power in the nature of man." Contrast between non-Christians who can exercise their will and Christians who cannot.
20:00 - Discussion on keeping the commandments all of the time and our happiness in doing so. Pragmatic discourse on overcoming sin.
37:30 - Definition, purpose and responsibility of the human conscience.

6. The House In Which We Live (Part 2).
00:00 - Summary of previous two episodes on the nature of man.
03:00 - Adam was created with perfect balance between the mind (higher powers) and the heart (lower powers), which sin unbalanced. This imbalance is the only difference between sinless and sinful nature.
06:00 - Jesus came with a fallen nature but was not unbalanced. His fallen nature was the imperfect body He came in.
16:00 - Therefore in the same imperfect body God can rebalance us which is what we refer to as perfection.
17:00 - Thus at the 2nd coming the only change that occurs is to our imperfect body.
21:00 - Rev. 14:6-11, glory is the 2nd step of the 1st angel's message but the 3rd step in the sanctuary model.
26:00 - John 16:7-8 details the omnipresence and purpose of the Holy Spirit. 3 step work of the Holy Spirit; sin, righteousness, judgement.
30:00 - The glorification at the 2nd step is where we glorify God in the mortal body (the sanctified life) and glorification at the 3rd step is in the immortal body (at the 2nd advent).
32:30 - Are we all sinners? Exegesis of Ps. 1:1. This verse exercises the rule of repeat and enlarge. Pragmatic discussion on if we are sinners now.
37:00 - Adventists today have become conditioned to overtly display modesty and say, "We are all sinners". Through apostate Protestantism have imbibed a false doctrine that a "sinner" is no longer a "doing" verb but a "being" verb.
39:00 - Sin is your choice, not your nature. Exegesis of Ps. 1:2-6 and the 2 groups identified.
44:30 - Two groups in 1John 3:1-3. The glorification that "doth not yet appear what we shall be" is the glorification at the 2nd advent, the immortal body, also identified in v2b, "when he shall appear, we shall be like him".
48:00 - 1John 3:3b, he that "purifieth himself" is doing that now, and is glorification at the 2nd step (the sanctified life).
48:30 - Overview of 1John 3:4-8. Overcoming sin the same way Jesus did. The emotions are still there but are purified.
57:30 - You cannot be forgiven for present sin, nor future sins; only past sins. When Jesus sits on your throne you cannot do sin. Sin is your choice not your nature (Jer 13:23).
1:08   - John 16:8, the Holy Spirit convicts of sin when your conscience is supposed to do that. The conscience and 1Timothy 4:1-2.

7. The Greatest Hypocrite.

8. The Prophetic Gospel.

9. The Burden of Habakkuk.

10. The Original Faith.

11. Departing from the Faith.

12. Isaiah 28 Trodden Underfoot.

13. Parable Teaching.

14. The 2520.

15. The Chain of Truth

16. Shod with the Gospel.

17. Jew or Gentile All Under Sin.

18. Galatians 4:21.

19. The Work of the Third Angel.