Tyler Sena - Brazil, October 2018 (Part 2).

Tyler Sena. Email Tyler at: tysena7@yahoo.com

Click here for Part 1.

17. (31/10/18) The Counterfeit.

18. (01-11-18) Conservatives vs. Liberals.

19. (06-11-18) Fatima (Part 1).

20. (07-11-18) Fatima (Part 2).

21. (08-11-18) The Counterfeit (Part 2).

21. (10-11-18) Sermon - The Hidden Treasure.

22. (11-11-18) Acts 27.

23. (12/11/18) Pyrrhus (Part 1).

24. (21/11/18) Pyrrhus (Part 2).

25. (22/11/18) Pyrrhus (Part 3).

26. (24/11/18) Pyrrhus (Part 4).

27. (25/11/18) World War III (Part 1).

28. (26/11/18) World War III (Part 2).

29. (27/11/18) Information War (Part 1).

30. (28/11/18) Information War (Part 2).

31. (29/11/18) Information War (Part 3).

32. (01/12/18) The Nature of War.

33. (02/12/2018) The Time of Rafia.